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Read the following points carefully:

1. The studio has a WIFI network. Ask for it.

2. Debit and credit card payments are accepted (months without interest) (VISA/MASTERCARD).

3. Keep a positive attitude.

4. After liquidating your project, the delivery times will be:

   - Post production 10 business days.

   - Mixing and mastering: 10 business days.

   - Round of corrections: 3 business days.

5.1. Arrangements, songwriting, recordings, productions, mixes and masters made by the producer(s) and the studio must be accredited in social platforms and any other digital or physical register.

5.2. Royalties and percentages are negotiated separately.

6.1. After scheduling an appointment with us, you have 6 months to settle your project, after the established time an additional amount will be charged based on current prices, and it will be resumed according to the availability of the agenda.

6.2. We are not responsible for any file after 6 months. 

7. After confirming your session, you will have 2 natural days to make the date section, otherwise it will be scheduled again.

8.The following files are delivered to you for each song:

    - .WAV version

    - .MP3 version

    - Stems (only applies to the DARK plan).

    - Instrumental version (not suitable for streaming) (only applies to the DARK plan).

9. Request everything they need at the time of delivery, since corrections, modifications and extra files will have an additional cost.

10. Deposits are non-refundable and non-transferable.

11. You can only re-schedule your session once, the other sessions that are re-scheduled will be at an extra cost.

12. No smoking inside the facilities.

13. The abuse of alcohol and drug use is prohibited inside and outside the premises.

14. The artist or the band may have a maximum of 3 companions.

15. Take care of the facilities and use the equipment properly.

16. Keep your work area and other areas you use clean.

17. Eat food in designated areas.

18. Certain foods and beverages may be brought into the studios (ask which ones).

19. You will be provided with a key to enter and exit the housing complex, which you must take care of and deliver at the end of the day, otherwise you will be charged $200.00 MXN

20. In case of damaging the equipment, the replacement and/or repair must be paid, according to the evaluation of the Darklex Studios team.

21. Any delivery before the established time has an extra cost.

22. Be punctual, take advantage of the schedules we have for you.

23. Entry with any type of weapon is prohibited.

24. Avoid bringing infants.

25. Pets are not accepted.

26. The studio has a lodging option.

27. Park in the visiting area.

28. Recording with acoustic drums or electric drums have an extra cost.

29. All production, recording, mixing or mastering arrangements may not be used for re-recordings in other studios or by other producers, without first liquidating the project.

30. It is forbidden to block the exits and entrances

31. We are not responsible for any damage to your property and/or your person.

32. Your session can be re-scheduled without prior notice, due to events unrelated to the study.

33. We reserve the right at our discretion to update, change or replace any of the terms described above.​

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